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Office automation apparatus



Sumitube™ is heat-shrinkable tubing which shrinks in radial direction when heated.

Irrax® tube


Irrax™ tube is heat-resistant tubing made of irradiated cross-linked plastics. It features excellent heat, oil, and chemical resistance.

Poreflon® Membrane

POREFLON™ Membrane

Poreflon™ Membrane are flexible and fibrous-structural sheets made of PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) and have excellent heat-resistant and chemically stable properties.

Poreflon® Tube


Poreflon™ Tube are flexible and fibrous-structural tubes, made of PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) and have excellent heat-resistant and chemically stable properties.

Soft roller

Soft roller

Soft roller is as a heating, pressurizing roller to fix the image of digital picture, by using an individual complex processing technology to combine some flexible layers, the excellent image performance and high durability are realized.

Polymide tube

Fuser roller, belt

Fuser roller, belt is developing as a functional part of laser printer or multifuntion printer by making the best use of it characteristics such as: seamless, thin thickness, stability and excellent thermal resistance.



Teralink™ is a cross-linked thermoplastic polymer for optical components used in SMT applications. Mechanical grades for wear-resistant gears are also available.



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